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Our Services  /  Other Resources  /  Pharmaceutical Assistance

Pharmaceutical Assistance

The Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) The Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD) program is a state-funded program that helps eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on their prescription drug costs. PAAD lowers generic prescriptions down to $5, and $7 for name brand. PAAD could also pay your Medicare Part D premium.


You may be eligible for PAAD if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are a New Jersey resident

  • You are age 65 or older

  • Your income for 2024 is less than $52,142 ($4,345/m) if single or less than $59,209 ($4,934/m) if married.

  • Medicare-eligible PAAD beneficiaries are required to enroll in a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. PAAD will pay the monthly premium for certain standard basic Part D plans with a monthly premium at or below the regional benchmark or standard basic plans or enhanced plans up to $20 above the benchmark amount that have no deductible.


The Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program (Senior Gold) is a state-funded prescription program with a different co-payment structure and income eligibility guidelines than those of PAAD. Members pay a co-payment of $15 plus 50% of the remaining cost of each Senior Gold covered prescription. Once members reach annual out-of-pocket expenses exceeding $2,000 for single persons or $3,000 for married couples, they pay only a flat $15 co-payment per prescription for the balance of that eligibility period. 


You may be eligible for Senior Gold if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are a New Jersey resident

  • You are age 65 or older 

  • Your annual income for 2024 is between $52,142 and $62,142 if you are single or between $59,209 and $69,209 if you are married.

  • In addition: All Medicare-eligible Senior Gold beneficiaries are required to enroll in a Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan of their choice. They will be responsible for paying the monthly premium directly to the Medicare Part D plan.


For more information on PAAD & Senior Gold: 1-800-792-9745.


Pharmacy – Home Delivery

Several local pharmacies have home delivery service to Ridge Oak residents.


Walgreens: Bernardsville, 908-696-9202. Free delivery. Call for details.

Dorsi’s: Stirling, 908-647-7878. There is a $2 charge for delivery. Deliveries Monday to Saturday.

CVS Pharmacy: Bernardsville, 908-221-0871. Must set up online first. Call for details.


In addition, Costco, Sam’s Club, and your Medicare Part D [prescriptions] may have home delivery options for members.

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